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    FW: [RC] Bite the Bullet Movie - Mike Sherrell

    Enjoyed the movie quite a bit. James Coburn looks great on a horse!

    Mike Sherrell
    Grizzly Analytical (USA)
    707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834

    -----Original Message-----
    From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Karla Watson
    Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 8:02 AM
    Subject: [RC] Bite the Bullet Movie

    Rented "Bite the Bullet" last night and it was very good. For a movie done in the 70s it really portrayed a cross country horse race very well. It showed some harsh things and it must of been before the SPCA laws regarding filming horses. They had this one scene I had to rewind several times where a horse backs off a cliff and into water and its one shot! They would not be allowed to do that with new laws. There were several things they did with those horses that would not be allowed now. They did show them sponging off their hot horses at stops and taking saddles off. Now I have to rent Snowy River!
    Karla Watson