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    [RC] [Guest] LD and finish time - Ridecamp Guest

    Betty Washburn washburnb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    At this fall's Biltmore a belgian draft finished the LD trail
    but missed the time of pulse-down by only a minute. Her owner
    didn't consider this a failure; merely part of the learning
    curve on how to better pace the ride and improve on their
    conditioning.  They completed well within our current LD
    parameters at their next ride. (Biltmore was their maiden
    This owner's philosophy  - to me - exemplifies the essence
    of our sport: facing the challenge through preparation and
    strategy; finishing the trail sound and making incremental
    improvements to face the challenge again....and again....
    and again.
    Rather than diluting the nature of the challenge with a
    parameter change (and the sweetness of accomplishment),
    it seems to me to be preferable to keep the LD finish
    as it is now.  Because it is for safety, right?
    BTW, if y'all ever want to see a really buff draft with
    that "distance runner's look", come to a SE ride.
    Merry Christmas to all,
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