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dragging back toe when going down hill

I have a horse who is dragging his back toe when going downhill.   He
doesn't always do it but when he does I know he's uncomfortable. On the
days that he does this he will also "bolt" when going uphill like
something scared him, but I know he's bolting from pain.  He's only done
this one other time.  I had the chiropractor out (he said his back was out
of adjustment, so he adjusted him), then I stayed off him for a few days
and then when I put him back to work I progressed a little slower than I
would have if I didn't think there was anything wrong with him.  He was
fine for about 3 months and now he's doing the same thing again.  I can
also hear a popping sound sometimes but the vet says "some horses just do
that".  I would sure appreciate any help, suggestions or insight  Thank

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