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DVE Completions

Kathy Mayeda
Despite only one vet check during the ride each day, I was amazed at the
high completion rates during each day's ride.  Those that rode fast the
first day did not seem to finish all four days, some on purpose, and some

I didn't hear the first day start/finish stats were, but Days 2,3, & 4 had
approx. 65 riders with only one or two pulls each day.  One of the two Day
2 pulls was me - RO'd because I went the wrong way!  Most horses had extra
hoof protection via easyboots or padding, and I thoroughly put the
Equi-Pak to the test.

I bet these stats stand pretty good in comparison to a one day 50 with 3
vet checks.

And yes, the horses completed within AERC rules, and most were able to
start again the next day.  Experienced multi-day riders previously told me
that horses often actually get stronger towards the end of the week, and I
became a believer!


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