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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:40:54 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] neoprene gloves/socks - sharp penny

     I noticed that Cabela's carries a neoprene glove that is
    fleeced lined. I suspect for this exact reason. I believe
    they were priced under $20. 
    --- DESERTRYDR1@xxxxxxx wrote:
    > I have used neoprene gloves and did NOT like them.  They
    > made my hands sweat 
    > like crazy, which made them feel colder than if I dried
    > my hands and put on a 
    > pair of  polar fleece gloves.  Paid $25. for what sounded
    > like a great idea.  
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    Re: [RC] neoprene gloves/socks, DESERTRYDR1