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    [RC] Memorial to Najo - Merryben

    Pete and Joann Le Mond's  Najo was euthanized today.  Najo had been retired for many years but if you are old enough to remember him, Najo was the great big Morgan  horse that Pete liked to call the Cadillac because of his incredibly smooth ride.  He was Joann's horse and then Pete rode him for many years and then the kids got him.  Pete's grandkids, Michelle and Danya, Julie Caprino, and I think even Heather Reynolds rode him a time or two.  He went at his own pace which was whatever he happened to feel like doing that day but was usually pretty slow.  When I sponsored Julie Caprino, who rode him when she was just starting, he decided that was one of his "slow" days.  I was also riding with Heather, Megan, Breanna, Stephanie and Holly and they kept telling Julie to kick him and make him stay up.  But Julie would not kick him cause she did not want to hurt him, so he got his way and we went at his pace.  Najo was retired with over 4300 miles.  I know that Joann and Pete will miss him a lot…….Maryben