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    Re: [RC] [Guest] Bob Marshall sport saddle - Mickie Newnam

    I ride in a sport saddle, and have for around 7 years now. Only thing my gelding likes. They don't work for every horse, but he's hard to fit and we both love it. I weigh 230# and the horse has never had a sore back -- even doing parades with my Ohio Horseman's Council group and being in the saddle for 4 hours straight including a lot of sitting. I do try to keep my weight in the stirrups when I do that, and when going faster I alternately post and stand.
    I know of another horse who has back problems from an ill-fitting saddle years ago, and he loves his sport saddle as well. The way the stirrups are hung you can spread your weight over a
    larger area than it appears just looking at the saddle. May be pressure, but we've had good luck with them. I do recommend the skito pad though.

    Ridecamp Guest wrote:

    Christine K cnken13@xxxxxxxx

    I've been trying my friend's SS which I love, except for the stirrups being
    too far forward, and my horse seems to be happy with it as well.  I'm
    considering buying one, but both my vet and the local saddle shop are
    skeptical because there is no tree to support the rider's weight on the
    horse's back.  I've been told the Skito pad solves this problem.  My vet
    says there was a study using a special pad with computer analysis that
    showed pressure points on the horse's back.  I would love to hear ANY
    feedback regarding your experience with the saddle.  Thanks!

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