Being from a hunting family( I'm writing with my
6 month old grandauther onmy lap because her Mommies out hunting!)
I would like to thank Angie for her
Let's just stay off the trails for a couple of
weekends, or if you ride wear your orange.Don't worry to much about getting
shot. Most of hunters will not shot unless they know it is a deer and no one is
in range. Buy remember that a high power rifle can go along way. My husbund is
well known for dropping a deer at 1/2 a mile with clean neck shots. But
here in ND it plains hunting you can see for miles. You wouldn't see me out on a
trail in wooded areas on a bet this time of year. :) I don't ride out of the
yard this tim of year. Don'thave time anyway ,to buzy with the grandkids and
keping up with the hunting .
So lets jusr
be nice and share! Let them enjoy thier
sport, they are as passionate about thiers as you are yours . Like
Anngie said ,they could be our best freinds when the time comes to fight for
users rights of state and fed lands.