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    [RC] SusanG/fumonisin toxicity - Michelle Fink

    Hi Susan,
    On another list, I saw a memo by Purina about fumonisin toxicity in corn,
    and that Purina may be lowering the proportion of corn in their grain mixes
    this year.  The memo is pasted in below my signature line.
    Have you heard anything about this?  Can you give us some insight?
    Happy trails -
    Fumonisin Toxicity in Corn
    What is it?
    Fumonisins are environmental toxins produced by molds and found
    primarily in corn. Fumonisins are usually not a concern in corn when
    the corn is grown and harvested under normal environmental / weather
    conditions. However, this year's weather patterns in many parts of
    the country where corn is grown have been favorable for the
    production of fumonisin. Warnings have been issued by both federal
    and state Departments of Agriculture concerning the level of
    fumonisin in this year's corn crop.
    Why is it a concern in horses?
    Horses and rabbits are identified as being the most sensitive species
    to fumonisins. Fumonisins destroy the brain and results in permanent
    disability and / or death.
    What are the current recommendations / guidelines?
    The U.S. FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine has made recommendations
    that corn products used in horse feeds contain less than 5 parts per
    million (ppm) and that the total diet should contain less than 1 ppm.
    What is Purina doing to protect animals from this potentially deadly
    Purina tests every shipment of incoming ingredients every day to
    insure nutrient standards are met. With this years fumonisin problem
    every shipment of corn is being tested for fumonisin. Any shipments
    of corn testing at 5 ppm or over is rejected and not used in horse
    feed manufacturing. Several years ago Purina designated only certain
    plants to manufacture horse feed in order to better insure quality,
    consistency and safety of horse feed. This allows us to adjust our
    corn purchasing programs to target the purchase of corn for our horse
    plants from areas of the country that have shown a reduced incidence
    of fumonisin problems. In addition, the formulations of all horse
    feeds have been adjusted to insure that all Purina horse feed
    contains less than 1 ppm of fumonisin. Since most Purina feeds are
    not fed as the total diet this provides an extra level of safety. As
    for those Purina feeds that can be fed as a complete and total diet,
    we have made additional adjustments to those formulations to insure
    their safety. Because of these formulation adjustments you may
    notice, in some Purina horse feeds, a reduction in the amount of corn
    and an increase in other ingredients to offset the reduction in corn.
    However, we feel that such adjustments are necessary in order to
    better insure the safety of your horse from the potentially
    devastating effects of fumonisin toxicity. These formulation
    adjustments will not negatively impact the nutritional value of your
    horse feed, and when the fumonisin levels in corn have subsided we
    will gradually return to the original formulations.
    We apologize for any change in appearance in your horse feed that you
    may notice, but we hope you understand and appreciate the precautions
    we have decided to make in order to help insure the safety of your
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