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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:38:48 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Sidedness (was Canter vs Extended Trot) - Truman Prevatt

    I am  left-handed by nature but my Grandmother couldn't stand that idea so she "made me right handed." Some people say "ah that's what's wrong with you:-)"  My daughter is a southpaw. That has really made me more or less ambidextrous. I can eat with either hand, brush my teeth with either hand. I throw with my right arm but bat left handed when I played baseball. I can handle and shoot a basketball with either hand, I can play tennis with either hand, but prefer my right. On he other hand when I play golf it's as a southpaw.

    I will get on or off a horse on which ever side is more convenient. Most of my horses are pretty well balanced side to side, will use both diagonals and can easily do flying lead changes with minimal que. When I trot I change diagonals often - every quarter mile or so on the straight and whenever it makes sense to on the curves. I've always done it that way. I just get into a rhythm and relax and ride.

    So my grandmother probably did me a favor but not the favor she thought she was doing. I am sure she did my horses a favor.


    Vallonelee@xxxxxxx wrote:
    If anyone doubts they are "sided", just try mounting from the off side.  HA ! !

    People may fail many times, but they become failures only when they begin to blame someone else.

    Re: [RC] Sidedness (was Canter vs Extended Trot), Vallonelee