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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:37:38 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Children riding endurance - Heidi Smith

    >  I don't believe this is true.  We do have Child Labor Laws and Mandatory
    > School Attendance laws.  And I think these are good judgements made by
    > governing bodies.
    Oh, I dunno.  It used to be that kids learned responsibility and a work
    ethic by working part-time, and could reference work experience when it came
    time to support themselves.  Yes, it is good that children are no longer in
    sweat shops, but we are now to an equally damaging opposite extreme with
    regard to child labor.  Sad, sad indeed.  As to mandatory school
    attendance--more and more people are reverting to home schooling because of
    various issues with the public school system.  And from what I've seen, the
    majority of home-schooled children are more polite, more responsible, more
    capable, and better educated than most of their public-school peers.  So
    can't say mandatory school attendance is necessarily wonderful either.
    Since kids can't work, at least they can still participate in sports like
    endurance, where they learn responsibility for their horse, they learn to
    stick with something until it is finished, and they learn lots of relevant
    skills.  Unless, of course, the powers that be choose to remove that
    opportunity for the younger ones as well....
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    [RC] Children riding endurance, Randy and Cheryl Winter