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    Re: [RC] Heart rate at CTR - Ed and Wendy Hauser

    I don't know specifically about your rules, but do know UMECRA rules.  In UMECRA (and I suspect all CTR) there is a pulse criteria for continuation (UMECRA used to be 68, this year 64).  This criteria must be met or your horse doesn't continue in the ride or complete at the end.  There is also point deductions for all pulse readings above 36.  The scale is:
    36 PBM = 0
    40         = 3
    44        = 6
    48         = 9
    52        = 12
    56       = 15
    60       = 18
    64       = 21
    68      = 24
    Pulse is taken exactly 10 minutes after you get into the check.  The reason that scores are available for greater than the continuation criteria is that if you are above the criteria, you will have a recheck after another 10 minutes.  If the pulse is OK then (and your horse is otherwis OK) you can continue but the first reading is scored.
    The assumption is that a lower pulse indicates a more fit horse, that is being ridden smarter.  This is the basis of CTR.
    Ed and Wendy Hauser
    1140 37th Street
    Hudson, WI 54016

    [RC] Heart rate at CTR, Lysane Cree