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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:36:49 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Affiliate members and the Bylaws - Michael Maul

    In response to:
    Did I miss the reply from the AERC BOD on this matter, or was there simply none? 
    Being a foreign passport holder with primary residence in the US myself, I would 
    like to understand the rationale behind the proposed Bylaws changes, which strip 
    non US-citizens of voting rights. Is this a FEI or USET requirement? If there is 
    a reason for this, I am expecting the BOD to explain it to the foreign AERC members.
    Daniela Mielke
    The Bylaws have been online for member inspection and discussion since 
    early April 2002 - 6 months now.
    We set up a side by side comparison of the old and new bylaws with an additional note
    pointing to the term affiliate member.
    I've posted a number of times to Ridecamp and the other endurance lists asking for 
    comments from the membership about the bylaws.
    The specific topic of affiliate membership was discussed on page 4 in the Presidents
    message in the August Endurance News.
    We welcomed comments and there were almost none - and none on the affiliate membership.
    Input would have been valuable prior to our August 23 midyear meeting where we 
    could have made a change.
    The ballots are out and I believe the membership(and you) should vote to pass the new bylaws.
    The BoD can amend the new bylaws easier than we can get a new set in place in the future.
    There are many important provisions in the new bylaws that are needed.
    Certainly the question can be raised at the next BoD meeting in March 2003 concerning what
    affiliate membership should mean.
    I appreciate your concern and am willing to address it in the future.
    Mike Maul
    AERC Director-at-large
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     If you are an AERC member - PLEASE VOTE in the upcoming By-Laws 
     Election!!!! (it takes 2/3rds to tango!!)