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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:36:24 GMT 2003
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  • - Wintersdwbob1

    Re: [RC] EZboot Size - Heidi Smith

    > Thought I would try on an EZ boot on Henry since he will start up soon.
    > Geezzz!!!A size 2 goes on with only sli resistance BAREFOOT.  Does this
    > a 3 over a shoe.  I can't believe a horse can have feet that big???? What
    > will I do with all of BOB's O's.  Donna and BOB  ( Henry in the starting
    > blocks)
    I've had quite a few who are well enough "into" a 2 to wear them barefoot
    but who can still get 2's on when shod (last notch, and really have to hold
    your mouth just right to get them off with a BIG screwdriver)--just kinda
    depends.  May or may not need a 3.  I don't think I have any that can wear
    less than 2's when shod, although I have quite a few who can wear 1's
    barefoot.  One of my finest-boned mares got bilateral sole abcesses running
    barefoot in the pasture (only horse I've ever had such a problem with, for
    everyone who is convinced that only shod horses ever get pathology) and even
    though she was only an immature 3-year-old at the time, she still amply
    filled 1's and had to wear them for an entire winter while her feet healed
    up.  No, I don't think your barefoot size 2 is terribly big-footed, even if
    he needs 3's over shoes--just the sort of horse one would choose for
    endurance.  :-)
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    [RC] EZboot Size, Wintersdwbob1