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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:36:25 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Fwd: Day Member Fee - Klc5355

    Question for those opposed to day member fee. Lets say you are a non-member and enter a AERC sanctioned ride. You are on the trail and see a front runner cutting trail or being paced by a non-rider, or any other imaginable violation. And this person wins the ride. As a non-member you have no standing with the organization and have no right to file a protest. As a non-member if your placing or any other info is incorrect, or you are treated improperly by someone, you have no standing to protest in any form about anything because you are not a member. As a day member you have all the rights afforded by the AERC for anything pertaining to that ride. And on the other hand,if you are not a member the AERC has no regulation over any acts you might perform. The day member fee was instituted for reasons beyond just collecting some extra funds for the organization. It is also there to protect the AERC rules and the rider. I would be curious to know if our insurance would cover a non-member in case of litigation. Anyone know the answer to that one? More food for thought....
    Ken Cook, AERC WEST

    --- Begin Message ---
    You can quote me on ridecamp or elsewhere:  The main reason AERC
    instituted a "Day Member Fee" was to allow AERC to enforce AERC Rules and
    Regulations over all entries to rides.  When non members were allowed to
    enter and ride without paying the fee that made them official AERC Day
    Members, there was no way AERC had any control to enforce its own Rules,
    Regulations, and Policies over those riders.  With the Day Member
    category, those folks must now abide by AERC Rules, etc. just like a
    regular Full Member, and if they are in violation, a legal Protest can be
    lodged and AERC can penalize a guilty party.  That is the same reason
    AERC required that all LD riders must be Full Members or Day Members to
    enter an LD event. 
    Randy Eiland
    SW Region Director
    From: Klc5355@xxxxxxx
    Subject: Re: [RC]   Director at Large
    In a message dated 10/1/02 8:49:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
    > But the AERC doesn't even "own" the rides!  Rides are put on by ride
    > managers, private individuals and clubs.  The AERC only sanctions them
    > and keeps the records (and has awards programs FOR MEMBERS ONLY).
      The AERC also keeps records and tracks mileage for non-members for
    incorporation into thier member record if they join at a later date, so
    can be eligible for awards if they decide to join. For this they deserve 
    compensation, and I dont think the paying members should be burdened with
    this cost. I believe one of the intents behind the non-member fee was to 
    encourage people to join our organization and further it membership
    This is a benefit to our strength as an organization. If a rider only
    one or two rides a year it really isnt a financial burden to pay this
    but if a rider should do say four or five rides a year the fee encourages
    them to join and be a paticipating member, maybe even vote, be a ride
    or DAL. I dont think it was imposed to be a punitive fee, but rather as
    encouragement to join and be a participating member so that they can have
    awards. This benefits us all in the added strength of our sport. 
    Ken Cook, AERC WEST

    --- End Message ---