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    [RC] January 2002 European Chef d'Equipe Resolutions for FEI - rides2far

    >>>>	"Division of the event: Senior Championships must take place on a course
    with 5 phases and 4 vet bates (8 votes), or on a course with 6 phases and 5
    >>>>vet gates (2 votes).  In no case should the number of vet gates exceed 5(unanimous vote) "
    Amazing that this is where they think they need to devote their time, 
    *limiting* vet oversight.  Someone told me that the riders in Europe
    have a more "adversarial relationship" with their vets.  Maybe they
    need to get over that.
    My favorite part of this post though was the title of the course
    designer..."Chef de Piste"  But if I were riding it with limited vet
    checks I'd feel that the rider deserved the "Piste" title. >g<
    Never got a chance to respond to anything yesterday. Some people 
    insinuated that AERC should contact FEI and tell them "how it should
    be done".  I don't think so.  While AERC's riders do have a pretty
    decent safety record, I don't believe it is because AERC has had to 
    legislate the regulations that cause it.  We don't have a stringent
    requirement of numbers of vet checks.  We have rides who scream bloody
    murder if you suggest they should have more than 2 checks on a 50.  Sure
    it's not international championships on the line, but "Do as I say, not as I do" isn't a very good argument in court.
    I think the ones who *can* complain are those who have safe riding
    records.  I've never had to have a horse treated, but I need to be
    given a few vet checks and some decent hold times in order to take
    care of my own horse as I should.  Actually, I don't believe 2 deaths
    would have been such a disaster if we felt that everything possible had
    been done to keep the ride safe.  It's the "was this necessary?"
     regrets.  If I had done everything possible to take care of my horse
    and he somehow died, I think I could handle that far better than if it
    happened at a ride where I'd had misgivings about the safety before I
    started and had ignored the hunch.
    I noticed the list of countries who apparently made this decision for
    THE ENTIRE WORLD were Belgium, Denmark, Spain, France, Great Britain,
    Germany, and Italy.  Maybe instead of they should change the "I" in FEI 
    to "E".  That's not International, that's just European.
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