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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:36:01 GMT 2003
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  • - Judy Houle

    [RC] REACTION TO VACCINE? - Joan Dowis

    Many thanks to all of you who e-mailed me in response to my question.  Chief
    is fine today, almost completely back to normal.  By 10 o'clock last night,
    his breathing was no longer labored, the nasal discharge and coughing had
    dried up, his temp. was normal, and he had started nibbling at his  hay.  He
    still didn't want his Equine Sr.  Considering the copious amounts of
    drainage he was having all day, I was totally amazed it could dry up so
    fast.  Since the weather is in the 90s, I gave him a bath today, soap and
    all, and he was a happy camper.  He just loves getting hosed off.  Of
    course, he went right out and rolled in the manure.  I feel so much better
    now that this is past.  Thanks again.
    Joan Dowis
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