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    RE: [RC] [RC] Bitless Bridle - Marlene Moss

    I also make a version of a bitless bridle or crosspull.  This version
    does not have the rings hanging below the noseband.  Rather, the reins
    are extended and connect to rings below the poll.  They can be entirely
    removed (allowing for a halter set up) and can also be more easily used
    with a running martingale.
    I've also started making a running martingale attachment with scissor
    snaps and then O-rings at the rein connection.  That way you can put the
    O-rings on once and just connect/disconnect the scissor snaps at any
    point.  This makes it much easier if you get off and lead or tail or
    decide not to use the RM for a ride.
    The bridle is called the Freedom Bridle if anyone is interested in
    checking it out (under Bitless Headstalls on www.mossrockendurance.com).
    Marlene Moss
    Moss Rock Endurance Adventures
    (719) 495-9511
    (719) 351-5037
    -----Original Message-----
    From: ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    [mailto:ridecamp-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Nancy Mitts
    Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2002 9:13 PM
    To: milamj@xxxxxxxxxxx; ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Subject: RE: [RC] [RC] Bitless Bridle
    You can shorten the ring strap at the other end by the snap--it's
    with a conway & not sewn in isn't it?
    Sorry I can't help with the training part, since my mare basically
    nose pressure & has her way with me. I've stuck to using my bit.
    Nancy Mitts
    Stablegear Tack
    >From: Jerry & Susan Milam <milamj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
    >To: Barbara McCrary <bigcreekranch@xxxxxxxxxx>, RIDECAMP 
    >Subject: RE: [RC]   Bitless Bridle
    >Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 16:39:03 -0500
    The only problem I'm having with it is he tends to push his nose out
    >to resist the pressure when I try to rate him unless I have a
    martingale on
    >him to keep him from doing that. The rings that attach to the bitless 
    >for hooking on the reins are fairly long and prevent me from being able
    >use the bridle and martingale at the same time. I love this bridle but
    >haven't solved the martingale dilema. It also is much more reasonably 
    >than the bitless bridle's website. Maynbe I don't need the martingale,
    >how do I keep him from sticking that nose up and out when I rate him.
    >Happy Tails,
    >Susan & Dandy
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    RE: [RC] [RC] Bitless Bridle, Nancy Mitts