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    Re: [RC] [Guest] Hauling a gooseneck with a shortbox truck - Joe Long

    On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 12:13:37 -0700, "Ridecamp Guest"
    <ridecamp-moderator@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    >Sue Mullen dmullen@xxxxxx
    >Does anyone have experience hauling a gooseneck trailer with a short box
    >(6ft 7") truck?  Ever any problem with interfernce if you turn extremely
    >sharp?  Thanks.
    I researched this thoroughly before I bought my truck last year, as I
    wanted a shortbed if it would do the job (for one thing, it fits in my
    garage and a full-size bed would not).  
    The people that have problems are, for the most part, people pulling
    large camper trailers.  They are as much as eight feet wide, and when
    turning with a short bed the trailer can interfere with the truck,
    breaking the truck's rear window or worse.  There are (expensive)
    special hitches made to deal with this problem, that slide back for
    low-speed (parking) manuevers and slide forward for highway towing.
    As long as your horse trailer is no more than seven and a half feet
    wide, though, you will have no interference with a short bed (as long
    as the hitch is properly installed, over the axle).  It is even better
    if the part over the gooseneck is tapered some, but at seven feet
    width that isn't necessary.  Most slant-load gooseneck trailers, even
    with living quarters, are not over seven feet in width.  My
    Featherlite is seven feet wide, only a slight taper, and I have plenty
    of clearance even when backed up a full ninety degrees.
    Some people feel a full-size bed truck pulls better on the highway,
    but a longer wheelbase makes for more difficult manuevering in camp.
    My Ford F250 short-bed club-cab pulls just fine at all speeds and
    conditions.  The only thing I gave up with the short bed was some
    carrying capacity (I can't get as many hay bales on the truck), but
    for me that was a minor consideration.
    Joe Long
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    [RC] [Guest] Hauling a gooseneck with a shortbox truck, Ridecamp Guest