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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:24 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Downhill trouble - my horse's reason - Kristi Schaaf

    My new 4 yoa Arab was horrid at downhills. I
    handwalked him down everything, starting small,
    stopping him halfway down and backing him back up the
    hill to strengthen his hindquarters, etc etc. He just
    never seemed to improve with our exercises. He isn't a
    "klutz" normally, so I knew something had to be wrong.
    Sure enough, the equine chiropractor found that the
    horse's pelvis was rotated and his atlas was also out
    of whack. So, he couldn't 1) use his hindquarters
    properly and 2) flex his neck how he needed to to
    collect himself properly. I haven't had a chance to
    work on downhills with him since the adjustment
    because he managed to get hurt shortly after that
    (sigh) but I'm hoping to see a big improvement once we
    get back out there.
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