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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:25 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Metabolic failure - Linda

        We were having the same conversation here tonight....  overriding or
    undetected defects in the horses that are causing deaths?  Can any of the
    endurance vets maybe put a percentage breakdown on what their experience has
    been (like 50% health defects and 50% overriding/rider error) over the
    years.  I'm just wondering how common the death from health issues are and
    what portion they are accounting for.
        And another question.. I have yet to hear of a horse having metabolic
    problems in training, only at rides.   Are we just not hearing about it or
    are we riding that much harder at rides that these conditions show up?
        Tonight we were told about a neighbor that was trying to load a QH mare
    in a trailer a couple days ago and she broke her leg.   From what I
    understand it was a bunch of the "good old boys" wrestling and pulling her
    in that caused it.  I guess I just bring this up to remind people to train
    for loading and unloading so that the horse does it calmly.
    Linda Klingerman
    > OK, I'll bite, but first with the understanding that none of us have any
    > facts here other than that the horses died.  Metabolic failure could
    > anything from the overriding that we hope it wasn't on through the gamut
    > stuff like ruptured aneurysms due to heretofore undetected bloodworm
    > Heidi
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    [RC] Metabolic failure, Dolores Arste
    Re: [RC] Metabolic failure, Heidi Smith