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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:25 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Trouble going down hills - Lysane Cree

    I'm no expert, but a very smart lady once told me that you can tell that a horse has a saddle fit problem when you watch it come down a hill. We were at the Pan-ams in Vermont and I was a newbie volunteer crew person for the Canada East team and we happened to be set up on a road where the riders were coming down off a hill. We could see very clearly that some horses came down the hill straight, while others came down at an angle either to the right or the left. This lady told me that the ones coming down at an angle were trying to avoid the pain/pressure of the saddle. I think that it is the fact that the horse is coming down hill and so there is more pressure on his back that the saddle fit problem is accentuated. It might be minor and so not noticeable on the flat. Perhaps your horse is feeling uncomfortable going down hill because the saddle is causing him pain?

    Lysane Cree

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