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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:35:26 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Winners and Whiners - oddfarm

    It was very exciting for me to follow the WEG. I am envious of everyone who participated.
     I think it is great that a young person finished at the top. If my daughter were to accomplish such a feat my head would swell with pride. To me, it wouldn't matter what the horse     had accomplished in the past.The fact that such a young person (anyone under 25 to me is still young and naive) has the discipline and drive to ride to the top is pretty amazing. Yes, he had a lot of help, but so did everyone else, NO? Yes, they did.
    Who breeds the best horses? We do. Why can't we always be at the top? Because some days you get the bear, and some days the bear gets you. You can't always be the best because some times, there is someone better. (But riding a horse named Fi Fi? Who'd a thunk a horse named Fi Fi     could kick butt?)
    One person can't possibly own all the best horses in the world. And even if they could, they couldn't do it forever! There are always more where those came from. And we can buy and sell all the horses we want to, to whomever we want to. That will never make, or break us as a team.
    I can not say our team needs to trainer harder, better, faster, longer. I think we (they) are pretty damn good already. As were the other teams. There is always another ride. Always another challenge.
    I would much rather see us in good, clean competition with any country, than at war. I am pretty sure the other    countries would say the same thing.
    Good job everyone! That includes John and Steph for bringing all the excitement and action to us and anyone else who contributed.
    Now for crying out loud, stop the political crap! It is just like getting in the car with my two kids who can not carry on any conversation without arguing! STOP IT ALREADY OR GET THE HELL OUT OF THE CAR!
    I know, I will never be mother of the year. Mutha, maybe.
    Lisa Salas, The Odd fARm