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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:34:50 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: Re: [RC] Horse size, Rider Size, weight, trivia, training and observations
  • - Charles
    - (nil)

    Re: [RC] Horse size, Rider Size, weight, trivia, training and observations - Bette Lamore

    Hi Charles
    You have a good point. My experience with training the taller horse is that I start them later, as a rule. My tall ones seem to mature far slower. My two year olds many times look like yearlings in build--- all gangly. They pull themselves together at 5 years. Bev Scott, a highly respected trainer at Los Alamitos who also breeds Russian horses said that she gave up entering them in the futurities because the Drinkers of the Wind and Daughters of the Desert are run for three year olds and hers were not mature enough at that age. She would bring them to the track at three and let them get used to the noise and do a couple of training runs (slow) for a couple of months-- then bring them home for another year or two before she would actually train or race them in earnest.
    I find that I start mine older. They are handled a lot, (imprinted, etc) and learn manners-- but now I don't like to get on them until 4 or 5. Gives them time to mature mentally, too.
    Other than the slow maturation, I don't see any real difference in training techniques between my "biggins" and smaller ones. I probably see more differences in bloodlines than size--- so far as the way I approach them. There is something to be said for genetics and the way horses react to people and training in general.
    Again, I have nothing against small. In fact, I am just about to offer one of my best Halynov daughters for sale and she is a throwback to something because her two full brothers are 16h and Riverdance is fast approaching that height, yet she is only 14.2 and a FANTASTIC mover with a big stride (remember I said ALL things being EQUAL, a taller horse will have a longer stride). She can probably outstride many tall horses. And I won't charge EXTRA for her because she is smaller :-)

    Charles wrote:

    I'm throwing in my 2 cents on the issue of size and such.  Basically, I
    don't think there are any hard and fast rules.

    First, I seem to remember reading in some book about the crusades, that as
    the Knights left Europe, they found the Arab horses worked for them as well
    as the heavier breeds they used in Europe.  Many switched (probably need and

    From what I've been told, what I've seen, and what I've read, it is the
    horse who decides what he can carry (you can convince him, but he'll let you
    know).  I've seen small people on big horses (fence judge at a horse trial
    today), big people on small horses, small horses that were as wide as they
    were tall, and any combination in between.  I've watched eventing (3 day
    upper levels, and lower schooling levels), team penning, sorting, roping,
    reigning and trail rides.  If the horse decides he isn't going to carry you,
    or you hurt, he will let you know, and most likely the horse will either
    dump you, or find some other way to get out of it (like never come to you in
    the pasture).  At worst if you are too heavy, or too big, the horse will
    come up lame or sore and you will know this isn't the horse for you.

    Weight:  Rider weight.  The more you weigh, the more the horse has to carry,
    and the greater the stress on the horse (my guess is that it's proportional
    to the ratio of rider weight, to horse weight).  Some horses can handle it,
    some can't.  I've yet to see hard fast rules.

    Horse weight,   size, and lameness is a bit trickier.  The lame horses at my
    barn range anywhere from 14 something to 18 hands.  (actually 17 2).  The
    problem is what makes them lame.  The smaller ones seem to be prone to
    Founder, with resulting foot and hoof damage.  The largest one (my mare
    Finders Keepers or Keepers) has ringbone she got from years of bad shoeing
    and an early carreer as a pulling horse in Northern NY.

    I attended a driving show, and was talking with a trainer for a 4 hitch
    team, he told me that he found that many of the "training" techniques used
    on smaller horses don't work well on the larger drafts.  For instance,
    Longing (Lunging? that thing where the horse is on a rope and runs circles
    around the person holding the rope and whip?) is not good for the heavier
    drafts.  It puts too much strain/torque on their joints (all that weight on
    that "ankle" with the need to make a sharp twist to keep turning in the
    circle) and makes them develope ringbone.  His lesson was that drafts should
    not be "lunged" (I can't spell this word).

    I don't think the problem is that large horses go unsound faster than small
    horses.  The problems come when large horses are treated the same way as
    small horses.  There is a reason you don't see football players doing
    olympic gymnastics, it's too hard on their bodies, and the reason gymnasts
    don't play football is they are too small (I was in a class with a gymnast
    once and commented on his muscular build and looks, and his reply was, they
    may look good, but none of them were attached to his bones anymore).
    However, if you search, there are tall people doing gymnastics, and short
    people playing basketball.  Just like athletes are individuals, so are
    horses.  Big horses should be trained differently than small horses, and
    vice versa.

    I guess everything comes down to "Is it right for this particular horse".
    Horses aren't bicycles, and they aren't interchangeable.

    My big question is "How does training differ when working with a big horse
    vs. a little horse? "

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    Bette Lamore
    Whispering Oaks Arabians
    Home of 16.2h TLA Halynov
    who lives on through his legacy
    Hal's Riverdance!

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