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    Re: [RC] "...raised with my parents doing endurance rides..." - GoldenCMK

    In a message dated 09/06/2002 12:58:40 PM Pacific Daylight Time, guest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    Whenever I read on ridecamp about anyone doing endurance
    with their kids, I am deeply touched, and green with envy.

    I have a similar problem but I am a parent who wishes her kids would ride. I have been riding since I was 4 and I have 4 kids who have no interest in riding. They ride on occasion but it is not their thing. Oh well, they got be who they are. I married a man that was not a horse person but liked them. I persuaded him to start riding with me and a slowly taught him to ride which was 3 yrs ago. He has close to 1000 miles in endurance now and is moving up to 100s. I still trying to get down 50s good.
