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    Re: [RC] Six horses died this year at AERC rides? - SandyDSA

    In a message dated 9/5/2002 12:50:45 PM Pacific Standard Time, guest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    six horses died this year during AERC sanctioned rides. I know of one, during Tevis, fell off the trail. Incidently, I and two others hiked down there a few days after Tevis. We needed to know if the trail was the cause so we could fix/improve it. It definitely was not. In any case, I'd like to know about the cirmumstances of the other 5 horses' deaths. We might all be able to learn something from these very sad situations.

    I would hope that what we learn is at least that this si nto a sport for sissies or clowns; that every precaution should be taken at all times, learn HOW do eb safe, behave in a manner that keeps you AND your fellow riders safe, and pray:)

    Really, this sport does offer demonstrable hazard, and if we take nothing else away from tehse things that just plain HAPPEN sometimes, perhaps it should be that tehse things can happen when one does everything RIGHT - so WHY on earth do anything iffy.