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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:34:23 GMT 2003
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  • - EgyptianMirage
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  • - EgyptianMirage

    Re:[RC] Apologies to everyone at The Norco Ride - rides2far

    ?>>>>	I want to extend a huge apology and show my appreciation to everyone that witnessed and put up with my frustration and anger at the Norco ride.It was one incredibly frustrating day coupled with the loss of my horse for 1 1/2 hours who decided that the town of Norco was much more exciting than I was, my missing the trail ribbons which were >>>clearly marked 
    Seems like several riders mentioned missing turns, and that it was a
     beautiful trail. I've missed plenty of well marked turns and usually it
     was because I was distracted to look at something else as I rode past
     the markers.  I'm just curious...do you all use the red paper plates
     after an easy to miss turn?  That's helped tremendously to keep me from
     missing turns.  When we mark now, especially if the trail turns from a
     broad path to a narrow one, we go about 20 yard past the turn (about
     how far it takes to get your attention back after a distraction) and put a red pie plate on a tree.  Maybe they did that there, but if not it
     might help.  Sometimes gorgeous scenery can cause problems. :-)
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