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    Re: [RC] freedom of speech - Bette Lamore

    Hi Jessica
    Apparently you were not on Amber's "A" list as she told me she BCC'd members of ridecamp so I would not know all she CC'd. I have not quoted her and won't. Sylvia did quote part of it and promptly blocked her.
    You know, I have worked with junkies when I was counselor for the Federally funded Aftercare Program so many of my clients had very colorful speech pattern to say the least. My vernacular grew to include MANY "F-U's," "MF's" etc--- you get the picture. I chose to communicate with the language with which they were comfortable. Language has no moral valence to me. It is merely a tool by which people communicate. One uses the proper language for the population and setting. I work at not judging them or their values. They are perhaps different from mine and I can choose to love people from a distance and not participate in their activities.
    I believe it does not boil down to good-bad, moral-immoral, but rather appropriate-inappropriate for the situation or population at hand. While I might laugh and enjoy REALLY bawdy humor in some situations, I might believe it to be inappropriate in others. Now when the line of appropriateness is violated, I will express my opinion sometimes. I do not have the authority to anything about it, yet if I don't express my opinion when it brings up a strong feeling inside of me, the powers that be (in this case Steph and John) won't know how this is affecting the members on the list.
    If someone comes after me with personal attacks when I express my opinion (and in private e-mail, no less), that is a different matter and I will let them know that I will do everything possible to prevent it from happening again to me or to others, if I can.
    If the author believes the personal e-mail sent to me was not nasty and offensive, she has the option of posting it. I will not. Others have received nasty personal e-mails as well and are encouraging everyone who gets one to forward them to Steph and John. That is the best that we can do at this point.
    Nuff said on this topic, already. Isn't it a good time to get on our horses and enjoy this beautiful weekend. I'm going to. :-)
    Happy trails

    Jessica Spoone wrote:

    Could somebody be so kind as to send me a copy of this "nasty and offensive"
    email? I seem to have missed it somewhere along the way or perhaps I simply
    have a sense of humor and didn't take offense.
    Jessica Spoone
    Independant Associate
    Pre Paid Legal Services
    Protecting your family, protecting your future.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Lif Strand" <lif@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: "Ridecamp" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 6:20 PM
    Subject: Re: [RC] freedom of speech

    Quoted from Bette Lamore's message:

    Oh and don't forget to call the ASPCA since Amber suggested I have sex
    (though not so politely) with a member of the Leave it to Beaver Show!

    She DID????  You know, most of that stuff she said was over my head and I
    just don't have a clue what you all are chatting about.
                                  Lif Strand * Quemado NM USA
              STRAND ENTERPRISES * www.fasterhorses.com
    Internet Research * Web Design * Fine Art * Horsemanship mentoring

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    Bette Lamore
    Whispering Oaks Arabians
    Home of 16.2h TLA Halynov
    who lives on through his legacy
    Hal's Riverdance!

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    Re: [RC] freedom of speech, Rides 2 Far
    Re: [RC] freedom of speech, Lif Strand
    Re: [RC] freedom of speech, Jessica Spoone