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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:09 GMT 2003
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    [RC] West Nile has come to Luray - goearth

    Good morning campers,  it was in yesterdays local weekly paper The Page News and Courier (check their website) at the top of the front page.  'West Nile has come to Luray'.  This is a small town 100 miles west of Washington D.C. in the mountains of the Shenandoah Valley.  When 2 crows were found dead on the White House Lawn in D.C. i knew there was no defense and it was just a matter of time.  Well that time has come.  2 birds were found dead here with the WNV.  All along i thought it was the crows, but one was a blue jay and the other was a cardinal which is the Virginia State Bird.  This whole thing just shows how interconnected we all are.  Think about this...if the WNV is here then what about the Old Dominion and the Ft. Valley rides and rides anywhere it is.  Could you have a chance to get it?  2 years ago when i first posted this i thought it a fear or a chance to happen but now it has become a real thing and not in my mind.  The next fear is that my young Gabriel who i bred and raised just to have fun could come down with it and i would be so sad. i guess we just have to put up a cosmic shield  of some sort....tom sites