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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:11 GMT 2003
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    [RC] A question for Maryben - Mike & Laurie Hilyard

    As a devoted LD proponent, I am really curious why you have such a negative attitude about LD.  Bad experiences as a RM?  See too many horses overridden on LDs?  I've never done big rides, and I certainly haven't done any rides on the left coast, so my POV may be very different from yours.  I haven't ridden at a ride since 2000 - I had a son in 1999 and I just couldn't convince my husband that you can't leave a horse in a pasture all year, then take him to a ride and expect him to finish sound.  But I've worked full time my whole life, and my son, who just turned three in June, is reluctant to relinquish 20 of the hours I'm home for conditioning so I can do 50s.  Basically, until he's old enough to ride with me, what few rides I'm doing will be LD.  My husband is a good man, but babysitting is not his forte.  Which is a long way of asking for enlightenment - you've been doing this a long time, and if you are so set against it, I'd like to know why.