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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:33:11 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Time Limits on LD - Betty Demar Mueller

    I totally agree with John T to do away with time limits on the 25 mile rides.  The last time that I did a 25 mile ride in Fort Valley, VA., I came across a bear and it spooked my mid 20's years of age horse and it took me a good half mile to stop the mad dash up a hill and through God knows what brush, breaking my glasses, causing me a nose bleed and then I was lost.  After a deep panic, I gave my equine critter her head and she took me right to the trail (loved seeing those ribbons).  When I finally rode into the vet check....I.was out because of taking too much time.....hey I didn't get dumped and I was happy to see humans....sure beat folks finding my body 2 weeks later.
    Betty DeMar Mueller, Equine Artist