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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:51 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] falling on weapons - Truman Prevatt

    The worst fall I've ever taken is when the ground literally gave way under the horse. There was a big gopher totoise hotel there that you had no idea was there. We were just cantering along and boom flying head first through the air with no horse under me. Splat on my front side and slid about 10 feet. I would hate to think what would have happened if I had a hard object on my front side. If it were high it would taken out more ribs than were aready taken out. If it were low it could have done some damage there also.

    Carrying it on the back, side or hip can lead to injury since those are the places that normally make contact to the ground. Carrying it on the leg it could get caught in a vine and do some serious damage as it drug you right off your horse. Same problem with carrying it on top of your head. The bottom of the feet are no good since they need to go in the stirrups. So after giving this some long careful thought it seems the safest place is between your teeth. That way you could drop it fairly fast if you went flying :-).


    Betsy O'Shea wrote:

    Having been seriously injured when I fell off and landed on the 2-way radio
    I was carrying on my waist, I would be interested in where the safest place
    to carry a cell phone and weapon would be.  I was thinking that maybe on the
    outside of my calf or on my chest! :) So where are you all carrying these

    frequently wished I was carrying a weapon of some sort. But I was always afraid that if my horse dumped me, I would land on the weapon and seriously injure my hip or back or wherever I was carrying. How do all you armed riders carry weapons to avoid this? Or do you just hope you don't fall wrong?


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    Re: [RC] falling on weapons, Betsy O'Shea