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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:31:20 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Showhorses to Endurance Horses - Joane Pappas White

    Allegra---There are some super showhorses who get converted to endurance and love it.  I purchased Silver (aka Balbriggan) a 16.2hh, a 1/2 Arab 1/2 Trakehner from a showbarn in Canada  where she had been raised and successfully competed at dressage and jumping.
    It was not my intent to ride her in endurance but Grandpa Young started to ride with us and he liked to ride Silver.  She spent the first year dropping some of the roly poly show appearance and building stamina but once she got used to horse eating rocks, kids on roller blades and mountain bikes, she was unstoppable!  That was 3 years ago, now she is the first horse to the gate when she see the trailer.  At our last ride, my horse seemed a little off so I crewed instead and put our friend on Silver and sent her with some very good young people on well conditioned horses.  Silver, complete with newbie rider, sailed through entire LD ride (including the 10 mile extra detour her little group added to the course) and walked through both vet checks with excellent scores.
    One particularly thing--from all her dressage work, Silver is very flexible and knows how to get under herself so she rarely hollows out.
    Joane and the Herd
    Price, Utah