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    Re: [RC] FYI - Joan Ruprecht

    There are so many factors, what counts?Are my Mares, and it is mares,
    because I like them, who have all done over a thousand miles without trying
    and two have, 5000+ and almost 7000 "athletic" or is it just that I am not
    My mares have all had outstanding babies, is that because they had
    outstanding sires, or because the  children who have them are outstanding
    horse trainers and competitors.
    I'm still fool enough to believe the fairy tale that a kid with the horse
    she or he loves can do anything.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Rides 2 Far" <rides2far@xxxxxxxx>
    To: <SandyDSA@xxxxxxx>
    Cc: <rides2far@xxxxxxxx>; <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 10:38 AM
    Subject: Re: [RC] FYI
    > >AI
    > My brain is fried. 4 cups of coffee and counting.  I realized after
    > reading someone else's post and having my fifth mental image of "ET" (the
    > Extra Terrestrial) that I'd been saying AI...totally different
    > thing...but I was thinking ET. :-P
    > My dad once bought a 2 year old App filly to race. Her sire "won $10,000
    > as a 2 year old before he was injured and retired...just think how much
    > he'd have won if he'd stayed sound" was the line they always repeated.
    > Broke down is broke down....but who cares if a race horse stays sound in
    > the back of the pack year after year?
    > I have a friend right now with as nice an Arab mare as I've seen. She's
    > just getting started in endurance and enjoying her mare who happens to be
    > 12 and has never been bred.  What to do?  Hate to wait too long...hate to
    > lose competition time...but she is one mare that the more I'm around her
    > I think, "This one needs to contribute to the gene pool of the future".
    > P.S. on the "masculine mare" subject...I remember that Genuine Risk
    > wasn't breedable...is it that common for the really athletic mares to
    > have those problems?
    > Angie
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    Re: [RC] FYI, Rides 2 Far