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    [RC] award ceremonies - Laura Hayes

    <<<<Louise Burton wrote:One of the most memorable award ceremonies I went to was Old Dominion, back when it was only a 100. When they called your name, you went up and you could tell a ride story. Evidently this was a big tradition.  Some said things, some didn't, but it
    sure made the ceremony fun (along with that GREAT breakfast!).>>>>>
    Regarding the OD - I loved that too!!!  I won the 50 in 1986 and was allowed to stand up and tell a story (as were all the finishers, I believe)  I had gone to that ride with Wayne McMinn and Mae Schlagle  (THE Mae of the P'dner Award fame) - Mae had come alone on a bus from California to PA to ride one of Wayne's horses in the 50 at OD.  I believe she was at least 80 at the time.
    The story I told was that I was driving there from NY and on the way through PA I saw this guy and his dog, two cases of beer, a Rushcreek Mare and a 110 year old woman on the side of the road with a sign that said "OD or Bust" so I picked them up.  I went on to tell about how they commandeered my truck and camper and drove wild and roughshod over me and the states of PA, WV and VA. 
    I can't remember the whole story, but hopefully it was mildly amusing.  Afterward someone sided up to to and whispered "Is she really 110????"
    Mae finished the 50 on a horse she had never ridden before - amazing at 80+. I loved that woman, and have many many stories about her.
    Laura Hayes #2741