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Longstreet's Charge is on!

Just got a call from the manager of Longstreet's Charge.  It had been
cancelled when the Competitive Trail people sanctioned on the only
possible date, but apparently the CT people had some insurance troubles
and cancelled their ride.'s on!  May 18, 2002, LaFayette, GA
(less than an hour south of Chattanooga).  The 18th is 2 weeks after
Biltmore, so that's a darned good date.  This ride will give you the same
kind of mountain terrain, deep forests and beautiful views if the fog
doesn't roll in.  The Chattanooga Arabian Horse club puts the ride on,
and puts most of the profits right back into the Pigeon Mtn. Wildlife
Management Area. Joe Harris is the manager again this year which to me is
amazing, considering he was almost killed last year when run over by
loose horses and has spent the entire year in rehab after a shoulder
joint replacement.  So, if your horses get out this year plan on catching
them yourselves. We all plan to drag Joe with us and hide behind trees.

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