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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:30:23 GMT 2003
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    [RC] Navicular Horse - KathyZ1

    Wait a sec here.
    Isn't everyone jumping on this bandwagon of killing this woman's horse a little premature??

    What to do when the horse goes down and can't get up??
    Seems obvious to me.  Then you put it down.
    Meanwhile, the only two nerved horses I've known have both done very well and are still doing very well.  Including doing light trail riding.
    I doubt the woman needs or wants a pasture ornament.  Sounds like she's a caring human being.
    Also, a fat, cresty horse on rich pasture could indicate a degree of laminitis.  Why not just get the horse on low energy feed first, get him to drop some weight and then see what happens.  He may not need nerving---maybe just some special shoeing.
    The woman seems more than willing and able so why not try this stuff first before writing off the poor woman's horse, when writing him off is the last thing she wants to do.

    But that's just my take....

    Lisa said:

    Nervingthe animal just so it can stay around for MY pleasure seems cruel.  It'scertainly not going to stop the degeneration of the navicular bones.  Whathappens when the degeneration gets so bad the animal goes down and can't getup?