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    [RC] Keeping shoes on horses - April Johnson

    Ok, I'm thinking about shoes for my endurance horse, Tanna. I decided to leave the easywalkers for someone else since I don't want to have to get the $200 kit just so my farrier can put them on. I ordered some Ground Control shoes to look at (www.plastichorseshoes.com) to see if I want to use those.
    So I was talking to hubby about getting them put on. I already trim my horse myself (yeah, yeah, don't yell at me), so I was thinking to buddy up with a friend's barn and just pay her farrier $10 to nail the shoes on for me (he only charges $20 for a trim AND metal front shoes, so...).
    So we got to talking about pounding nails into shoes and wondered about using screws to put the shoes on with. So we came up with two different senarios.
    1) a small-diameter screw that's threaded all the way up. Use a cordless screwdriver and screw the sucker in. Clip off the end.
    2) a small-diameter screw that's only threaded on the very end enough to do the screwing action. Use a cordless screwdriver and screw it in. Bend down the end like a regular nail.
    Any comments on these senarios? Pros, cons? It's just hypothetical. No, we haven't done it!
    April (inquiring mind)
    Tanna (just leave me out of it)
    Serts (I like my easyboots)
    Daniel (all that pounding is hard work!)

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