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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:29:51 GMT 2003
  • Next by Date: [RC] GPS, etc
  • - Merryben
  • Prev by Date: Re: [RC] saddle poll
  • - LSimoni197


    Note: Forwarded message attached.
    --- Begin Message ---
    Hi Everyone,
    You've helped me out so much in the past, hope someone 
    has some advise here.  I just purchased a garmin 
    venture gps.  Couldn't wait to get out on my local 
    trails and track those miles and speeds!  Much to my 
    dismay I lost my signal as soon as I headed into the 
    woods.  This IS western washington, but its not a 
    JUNGLE.  Is this to be expected?  Anyone know how I 
    can strenthen my signal.  I can't see this being a 
    useful devise if it blinks out evertime I pass under a 
    tree. :(  I checked the garmin site but don't see any 
    info re: getting a signal in a wooded area.
    Well, let me know, those of you with the gps 
    Thanks so much,
    (may respond to my email if you want.. 

    --- End Message ---