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    Re: [RC] Completion rate of Masters Series - MARYYG

    In a message dated 7/1/2002 3:23:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, roxwelling@xxxxxxxxx writes:

    that 81 riders started and only 18 finished.  It also stated that most were due to lameness injuries

    that is true for a lot of rides not just the masters series.  We seem to have a handle on the metabolic issues but lameness is a whole different story.

    Most public media or academic studies you read are from jumping horses or racers on the track and controlled animals in lots, Few and I mean very few studies from the endurance sport about long term effects of trotting or cantering for 50 or 100 miles and or training the numerous miles these horses do and lameness. 
       Most of what the other horse disciplines use (diet,execise and metabolics) comes from the endurance sport, why can't they study our little sturdy horses to inform the public about long term issues of lameness? They consider it boring or not high profile enough?

    Jaye Perry