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    [RC] Best Sound Magnifying Stethescope? - Linda B. Merims

    My new mare has one of those you-can-barely-hear-it
    hearts.  I've got a two-tube $40 or so cheapy cardiac
    stethescope and I can't get a good enough beat
    for long enough for me to even be able to get
    a resting heart rate at 15 sec x 4, no matter where
    I place it.
    Is there a particular make/type of stethescope that
    is known to be particularly good at picking up and
    magnifying the sound of heart beats?  Hopefully
    something cheaper than the $150+ items they sell
    at the Brown University store for the med students.
    I won't always have my Roger Rittenhouse handheld
    HRM with me...
    Linda B. Merims
    Massachusetts, USA