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    Re: [RC] Survey on best footwear for endurance - Sullivan

    I ride in high-quality trail running shoes (Adidas Brahama).  I love the cushioning, and they encourage you to get off and walk or jog.  To make this safe, I also use Flex ride stirrups with cages, so my foot can't go through.  I can't imagine riding in any kind of boots-how could you get off and walk your horse, if you had to, and what happens when you go into creeks, etc?
    Slowly, I have ditched just about everything that is leather!
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: TypeF
    Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 4:51 PM
    Subject: [RC] Survey on best footwear for endurance

    Would like to know what everybody is wearing for shoes while endurancing. I've been riding in my Timberline hiking boots in English stirrups but need a new pair of boots. Used to use tennis shoes way back when. Was looking through ValleyVet.com catalog and found a "western" play, work, ride boot that looks very much like a hiking boot. Would love to know what you're all wearing.
    :) Jackie

    [RC] Survey on best footwear for endurance, TypeF