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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:12 GMT 2003
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  • Prev by Date: Re: [RC] Stifle Problems
  • - Renee Gonzalez

    [RC] Mustng for sale - Steve Shaw

    If the locals aren't already working on this available horse then one of you ought of...
    Robin Hood is an exceptional horse. You can ride him in any ride in just a halter and any Junior or better could come in 10th. He is a solid and honest horse. One that Virl Norton would have been proud to own.

    Steve Shaw

    Robin Hood - BLM Registry #90207575, AERC #H25423, needs a new owner/rider. He is a 12 year old 15-1+ HH sorrel gelding in the prime of
    his competitive life. From 1996 to current date he has 65 ride completions, 58 top 10 ride finishes, 14 best condition ride awards, 8 finishes in
    100 mile rides, finished Tevis ride 1998 6th & 2000 13th, several multi-day ride completions, completed 2001 Pan American Endurance Ride
    Competition, 2 DNFs in competition rides & more than 3000 AERC ride miles. He possesses an AHSA International Passport & Western
    States (Nevada) identification documentation. He is a special horse in competitive condition & ready to do his job. Currently in Vacaville,
    California area. Asking $20,000. Serious inquiries only. Contact: email; dr_o_dds@xxxxxxxxxxx or phone; 831-475-9011.


    Subject: [RC]   Mustangs and endurance

    Gerald O. Thompson Kiger3@xxxxxxxxxxx
    I wanted to report a little on our venture to bring the mustang=
     in greater number to the endurance venue.  We are a believer! I=
     know many others have already shown that, mustangs have a great=
     deal to offer and can compete very successfully in endurance. We=
     have finished our second event this year and competed handly,=
     although I have got to admit, that these last two years, has=
     given us an apprecition, for the tremendous amount of work, that=
     you as paticipants, go to in preparing yourselves and your=
     horses for endurance. We have brought in a second Kiger mare=
     into our training program to compete and we are breeding Kiger=
     Mustangs and American paint mustang specific for endurance=
     eventing, working toward producing a athlete with the proper=
     confirmation, size, substance, bone and stamina.  It is a long=
     term breeding program, but we are succeeding. This is a great=
     sport and we are enjoying endurance. Thank you for all the=
     effort all of you put in to make this equine sport happen. =
     Please check out our web site at www.springwaterstation.com if=
     you are interested in more details about our program and=