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    [RC] Laura Toston and Her Riders - Ridecamp Guest

    Chris Bennett Chris_bennett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    I am new to the sport, and I guess you could argue my opinion of Laura Toston and her juniors isn't credible. However, I think I can bring a fresh perspective- with no agenda- to this topic.
    My girlfriend, Monica Woodman, was the ride manager for the Malibu Ride. Along with 40 volunteeers she spent a month or two preparing. Those preparations included clearing trail, organizing volunteers, cleaning up after the event, etc.
    I helped clear trail two times. The first time, Laura was there with us in 90 degree heat for about 6 hours.
    The second time, Lura couldn't make it. However, when we were finished, we got back to the truck, only to find two ice cold beers in a basket with a sun flower. Laura had left it for us. Mind you, I hardly know her. At that point, I believe I had met her once, and didn't know her name.
    Laura also volunteered to help mark the trail for the ride. She and some of her junior riders spent most of Friday doing it. I don't know how much they marked, but it was several miles.
    The day after the Malibu ride, we needed to clean up the base camp. The Rangers are very picky, and we had a lot of work. About one hour after we got started, guess who showed up? You guessed it, Laura. She wasn't asked to be there, she just showed up, along with two of her juniors. They worked tirelessly picking up dozens of bags of horse droppings, hay, etc.
    My son and I were spotters near the phantom trail for the Malibu ride. I personally witnessed a woman with two juniors riding. She was screaming at the top of her kungs at them, mostly 4 letter words I hadn't heard since I stopped watching South Park.
    I also saw her screaming at a vet. There's no mention of her or her behavior anywhere. This lady is a mentor for juniors?
    I also watched Laura and her group. They were careful, and she watched over them like a mother hen.
    I personally watched a woman complain to the ride manager that she SAW Laura take a short cut. She said the proof would be that Laura bypassed the photographer, and there would be no pictures of her or her group. So we went to the photographer. There were pictures of Laura and every single one of her juniors. Draw your own conlcusion.
    One last point, Laura has said little or nothing in her own defense while people like the woman I witnessed at the ride literally lied to discredit her. She simply shows up and volunteers whenever possible and consistently promotes the sport to young riders.
    I hope the people attcking her somehow find that same quiet strength within themselves someday. Put an emphasis on the word Quiet.
    PS to "Sandy"- I read your note about taking someone out behind the Andy Gump and beating the you-know-what- out of them. You're wired wrong, you poor thing. Try to get some help.
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