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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:28:20 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] Helmets - SandyDSA

    Gosh Scott - chill a bit. WHEW! Helmets is a definitely a hot button issue - but sheesh - it seems to me that most people are supportive of free choice, and that includes the choice to take that risk on your own time and DIME. I agree with that - and though I DO hop on two of my more dependable horses withotu a helmet once in a while (Yes, I know!!!) it just makes a whole lot of sense NOT to do it when I go otu on a greener horse or alone or into rougher terrain - etc. But one's choice to wear or NOT wear head protection includes the OBLIGATION/CHOICE to be prepared to pay the consequences one's self - and far too many don't. Equestrians and other people just generally think nothing of taking the risks while fulyl expecting somene else to bear the burden of consequences when soemthign goes wrong. Our right to NOT protect our heads - or any other part of oru bodies - and I DO agree with that right - does not negate the rig ht of everyone else to say "then plan on paying for it yourself when you bite it". Havign taken not one but TWO dives off of one green hrose last week - clearly, if I had not been wearing a helmet, Iw ould have been hospitalized because of teh way I landed, smack on the back of the base of my skull. The lseson tehre is not only the helmet - since many don't wear them - but teh message is - who cares for my daughters if I bite it permanently? Who covers all thsoe expenses if I go too soon? What happen to those people and obligations and such that are mine now - if I make that free choice? I still get to make it,a dn so do you - but as I tell my daughter - get ready to pay the price if you make a bad decision, because you will GET to! Understand that MOST people agree with that right to choose - and include the right and obligationto pay the consequences ourselves when we choose.