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  • - Truman Prevatt

    Re: [RC] conditioning a young TWH - Merryben

    In a message dated 6/14/2002 8:12:39 PM Central Daylight Time, ssatt44@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:

    I'm starting over with a TWH. Do the gaited horses have any "special" needs/requirements? I have "heard" they take longer to condition than arabs. True/false? Cash is 41/2 yo and barefoot. I'm still trying to find the "buttons" to signal him between the flat walk and his rack. So far just doing a lot of dog walking in the hills till we get more used to each other. Truman....Maryben, care to take a stab at this?

    Funny you should ask.  My TWH who turns out to be a SSH instead just finished his 9th 50 miler since October.  I just shoe him like a normal horse and condition him the same way.    AT this same ride was a man from Louisanna on a just turned 4 year old TWH stallion who had never been on a trail in his life.  He is conditioned for the show ring by dragging a tire with about 150 lbs of cement in it.  He is a truely really nice horse.  I used to show and ride walkers and know a good one when I see it.  He was shod a little too "show horse for my tastes, with trailers, etc. but nothing extreme.  He finished the 25 miles and did fine.  MB