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    [RC] horse tying up - cont. - superpat

    This coming Monday I will be retrieving Kit to bring her home where she can get her system back in order. We have taken Susan's advice and she has been on a regimen which includes extra vitamin E and selenium. Day one from So. Cal will see her traveling about 425 miles with many stops for water and walking. Day two will be about 350 miles.
    Problem is that the fairgrounds at the mid point (Stockton) are having fair this week and no overnights are available. I have calls in to other fairgrounds (Los Banos, Merced) but being the weekend I could only leave messages.
    Is there anyone out there who knows of somewhere, (a park or camp or field) where we can overnight Kit? I have my portable corral so in worst case scenario, we can meet and drive around to find a wide spot on a side road. A person at the Stockton fairgrounds suggested a large truck stop at Interstate 5 and Hwy 12 near Los Banos. Any suggestions will be appreciated.
    Thanks for the concern and suggestions for this very nice horse.
    But today, A 30 mile training ride with Engelita on the PCT is in order. We will be riding with the famous Sunny, Arab/mustang x of XP fame. Should be fun. His rider, Tom Jones is as wirery and wiley and quick as his little horse. (They've taken a few first places in rides this season). Footing should be great with weather in the mid 80's (down from high 90's the last few days.