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    Re: [RC] FERA Member Debbie Parsons Deployed to an undisclosed location. - Truman Prevatt

    Don't tell her that. She just can't pass up getting another horse. Besides Kramer would not be happy with her if she showed up back home with another horse. She's worse that I am. BTW I saw an Akhal Teke at the Kentucky Horse Park and it was not built like I had though it would be. It was quite stocky. Is this common or was this unusual.

    Maryanne Stroud Gabbani wrote:

    I've heard that a bunch of US and other national varieties of military
    personnel are in Khirgistan (sp???) which if Debbie is there, she should
    love. They breed Akhal Teke's. Cool. Would make it worthwhile to make
    friends with some locals.

    Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
    Cairo, Egypt

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    RE: [RC] FERA Member Debbie Parsons Deployed to an undisclosed location., Maryanne Stroud Gabbani