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    RE: [RC] terrorist - Maryanne Stroud Gabbani

    I'm sure that there is usually something in Howard's posts to offend almost
    anyone. I mean, really Howard, that poke at Mohamed isn't fair. It isn't
    like he ever had the chance to learn to walk on water in the Arabian
    penninsula...the diameter of the wells is waaaay too small. Hey, if I can
    handle the anti-Arab/Muslim stuff...... Weird as he is, I too find Howard
    pretty funny. One of the things I like most about Egypt is the ability of
    people here to laugh at themselves, their habits and even aspects of their
    religion, although we take religion very seriously. Lighten up.
    Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
    Cairo, Egypt
    Did not want to post openly but Howard's long post that had nothing to
    do with endurance I can take but his using God and Damn and reference to
    Jesus freaks is in very poor taste on ridecamp.
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    [RC] terrorist, L Eisele