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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:54 GMT 2003
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    [RC] laminitis of future endurance horse advice needed - Sullivan

    Hope for a bit of help with this one....
    scenario....3 year old Arab/paint cross, on diet of grass hay and limited grazing, got out today at about 8:30, and had choice of green grass, various shrubs, her fill of sweet cob, empower and strategy and LMF.  Caught loose on road at 3:30, I got home from work at 4:20; called vet immediately, got her in and started treatment by 5:00.
    Had digital pulse in both front legs, HR of 66....vet gave Banamine and Rompun IV, then tubed with water and mineral oil, later injected Heparin and Ace.  When I returned around 6:45 to vet with bale of grass hay since she was staying the night,  her pulse was down to 36, and no digital pulse.  Vet is saying he wants to treat this aggressively-had been talking about all night IV fluids, 20-40 liters, but said maybe to hold off since things seem to be improving.  She showed no sensitivity to hoof testers, but definatley is not out of the woods.  KNowing this youngster, she ate tons and tons of the COB
    Any comments appreciated as to if this sounds like suitable treatment.  This  is a long-term future trail horse, maybe endurance.  I have had her since age 5 months, and been extremely careful with feeding, hoof trim and conditioning.....
    Thanks, Karen